
Celiac Disease


Program: Celiac disease
Stage: Preclinical
Barinthus Biotherapeutics rights: Worldwide

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Unmet Need

It is estimated that 1.4 in 100 people worldwide suffer from celiac disease.[1] There are currently no therapies for celiac disease approved by national health regulatory authorities around the world. Patients suffering from celiac are advised to maintain a strict gluten free diet with the potential for even small amounts of gluten contamination to cause severe side effects.

Our Approach

VTP-1000 is an antigen-specific immunotherapy utilizing the SNAP Tolerance Platform co-delivering gluten antigens and a mTor inhibitor to induce regulatory T cells to return the immune system to normal.

Development status

VTP-1000 is the first candidate being advanced to the clinic using the SNAP Tolerance Platform. To date, the platform has shown compelling mechanistic and PK/PD data and demonstrated preclinical activity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in models in mice.


  1. Singh P, et al, Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Mar 16(6):823-36